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Some frequently asked questions and answers about WPC wall cladding board

Nov 15 , 2023
Some frequently asked questions and answers about WPC wall cladding board:
How much does WPC wall cladding cost?
• The cost of WPC wall cladding depends on the size, quality, and design of the boards. Generally speaking, WPC wall cladding is more expensive than vinyl or wood but cheaper than metal or stone.

How long does WPC wall cladding last?
• WPC wall cladding has a long lifespan of up to 10 years if properly installed and maintained. However, the lifespan may vary depending on exposure to sunlight, moisture, temperature changes, and other external factors. To extend the lifespan of WPC wall cladding, it is recommended to clean it regularly with water and soap and avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive tools.

How do I install WPC wall cladding?
• WPC wall cladding can be easily installed by following the instructions provided by the manufacturer or supplier. You will need some basic tools such as a saw, a drill, a hammer, a level, a tape measure, and some screws or nails. You will also need some accessories such as clips or brackets to fix the boards to the wall. The installation process involves four steps: measuring the wall area, cutting the boards to size, fixing the boards to the wall with screws or nails and clips or brackets, and finishing the edges with trim or sealant.
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